CasinoCoin campaign

First of all, that could be a very very good coin in the future!
And it's the most undervalued coin right now.

CSC global hashrate exploded from 20 to 80 MH/s in just few days and rising:

Right now there are only 2 millions of coins in existence and all the coins worth just $10k. So you just need 10 000 USD to buy all the coins!
Think about it! I can buy all the coins now! You probably can buy all the coins!

10 000 USD is completely nothing, it's not enough even for a single gambling web-site.

But! CasinoCoin is already supported by the gambling services:

The problem of Bitcoin gambling services is that Bitcoin is too slow. When you gamble with an excitement you want to do you bets fast!

So here is my bet coming:
It's under approval yet and this is why you can't see it yet. I expect it to be approved next week.

Here is the screenshot for you:
Screen Shot 2013-08-03 at 1.01.37 PM

The reason I created this bet is to do not limit the promotion campaign just to twitter.
I expect a lot of visitors will see it and will be interested!

Join this bet once it's approved! If you join the promotion campaign and post a link to this article, you will make your bet happening!
The bet result will depend on how you will participate the promotion!

Previous Fastcoin promotion campaign raised its price x10 from 0.000025 to 0.00025:
The problem was that there are lot of coins in existence and the inflation. But despite that many people made profit on this promotion campaign:

CasinoCoin has 1/7 coins in existence comparing to FST and the inflation of CSC is 1/2 of FST.
So I'm still buying this coin at 0.00005 and 0.00006, it's very cheap and my expectation that it can rise x20 to 0.0005 or even x30!

And CSC is fast. 30 sec. blocks comparing to 12 sec. FST blocks. It's not so fast as Fastcoin, but fast enough to be used in gambling services.

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